coed trip


At the heart of the Mach Hach experience is the most robust and dynamic itinerary around. Every year we add new components to make sure it remains fresh and current. The itinerary includes the key historical sites, amazing hikes and pure fun.
Additional Program Highlights:
Group 71

Israel Advocacy

Gain skills and techniques to advocate for Israel with a program designed by Stand With Us– just for us.

Group 72


Enjoy inter-bus basketball games.

Group 73


Give back to the people of Israel with volunteer opportunities throughout the country.

view a day in the life of a camper!


Feel the power of over 450 Mach Hach campers

joining together for these special events.

Though it has the feel of a smaller program, Mach Hach offers the benefits of a larger one. Through various inter-bus programs, you will have the opportunity to make friends from across North America. Mach Hach combines the best of both worlds: the diversity and energy of a large program with the comfort and familiarity of a smaller one.

Opening Night

There is no better way to start a summer in Israel than in the Old City by the Kotel. On the first night after arrival, we whisk away all our campers straight to the Old City. After dinner and introductions, we continue on to the Kotel for our opening program of the summer!

Shabbat Mach Hach

For one Shabbat during the summer, all buses join together for an incredible Shabbat of unity. Imagine the ruach and inspiration created by 450 friends joining for one energy-filled Shabbat. Special guests and programs make this Shabbat a highlight of the summer.


The last night of the summer, we bring everyone together for an emotional closing program. After dinner, we have some special thank yous, a slideshow and cap it all off with a live concert. There is no better way to close the summer together!

adventure week

a tailor-made journey

All Mach Hach Adventure groups enjoy a four day specialty track chosen before the summer. The specialty tracks include: Army, Chessed, Culturefest, Negev and Yam L’Yam. Mid-summer, all Mach Hach buses split up for their specialty week and join members of the other buses who chose the same Adventure option. This way, participants get to customize their summer and join with others not on their usual bus for a shared experience of their choosing.


Make your contribution to the people of Israel! Get a taste of different volunteer opportunities and learn about some of the incredible Chessed organizations in Israel.

Yam l’Yam

Take part in one of Israel’s most popular hikes, crossing the width of Israel from the Kinneret to the Mediterranean Sea and culminating with a thrilling five mile bike ride.


Wear the uniform of the IDF and live the life of a Chayal! Be prepared to be physically pushed by your Mefaked (commander). Learn navigation skills and shooting positions, all in preparation for going to battle on the paintball field!


Come and see the rich and diverse culture that Israel offers. Go for a culinary tour of Machane Yehuda, participate in a workshop on modern Isreali film and experience Israel’s art and music.


An amazing opportunity to add four days of athletics this summer while also experiencing Israel's sports history and culture. Participants will take part in a diverse range of sports activities including basketball, flag football and biking.

find out
even more

Check out our brochure for a full rundown of all the programmatic details and unique features that make Mach Hach, Mach Hach!

ready for adventure?

Apply now! Camp starts in: