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to be a Mach Hach staff member?

Rabbi Dan Katz has been Director of Mach Hach BaAretz since 2012, bringing a new energy and vision to the program. Previously, he served for ten years as part of the administrative team at Camp Moshava (IO). Dan has been an active leader in Bnei Akiva, serving in the positions of Director of Bnei Akiva of New York and Rosh TVI (Bnei Akiva’s leadership seminar). During the year, he serves as Director of Yeshivat Torah v’Avodah (YTVA).
Michal Jacob
Assistant Director
During the year, Michal is a Mashgicha Ruchanit and Alumni Coordinator at Midreshet Torah V’Avodah (MTVA). Previously, she taught at The Frisch School in New Jersey, and also served as a grade dean and led Israel guidance efforts. Michal grew up in Teaneck, NJ, and made Aliyah to Modiin with her family in 2015. She is married to Ovi and they are the proud parents of five beautiful children.
Rabbi Shaul Feldman
Executive Director of Bnei Akiva of the US and Canada
Yoshua Siegel
Assistant Director
Rav Yehoshua currently serves as the Director of Yeshivat Torah Va’Avodah in Jerusalem. Previously, he spent three years as a Grade Dean and a part of the Student Activities team at the Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan. For the past four summers, Rav Yehoshua has served as the Boys’ Head Counselor at Camp Mesorah, overseeing hundreds of staff members and campers. Rav Yehoshua along with his wife Temimah and their daughter Kira live in Baka.
Oshi Bloom
Boys Director
Rav Oshi is originally from New Rochelle, NY. After graduating from SAR High School, he spent 2 years learning in Yeshivat Hakotel. After Yeshivat Hakotel, he attended Yeshiva University where he majored in Psychology and then Wurzweiler School of Social Work where he received his Masters of Social Work. During the year, he is a Rebbe at both YTVA and MTVA, Bnei Akiva’s yeshiva and seminary. He has spent the last 14 summers at Camp Moshava I.O. and looks forward to being the director of Mach Hach for boys! Rav Oshi, his wife Gila and their son Yair live in Yerushalayim.
Do you have what it takes
to be a Mach Hach staff member?
Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada
241 W. 37th St, Suite 730
New York, NY 10018
Additional summer contact in Israel:
Buses 1-3: 516-823-7366
Buses 4-7: 516-823-7362
Buses 7-9: 516-823-7367
Buses 10-11: 516-823-7364