Mach Hach BaAretz is entering its 50th year and is proudly run by Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada. With over 80 years in experiential education, Bnei Akiva’s robust programming reaches Jewish youth at every stage – from childhood to gap year, and from post-college and beyond. Thousands of children and teens join our sniffim across the US & Canada for weekly activities and Shabbatonim focused on Israel, Zionism, leadership, and Judaism.
Am Yisrael. Eretz Yisrael. Torat Yisrael.
Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada
241 W. 37th St, Suite 730
New York, NY 10018
Additional summer contact in Israel:
Buses 1-3: 516-823-7366
Buses 4-7: 516-823-7362
Buses 7-9: 516-823-7367
Buses 10-11: 516-823-7364